
Facing Our Powerful Potential

Facing Our Powerful Potential

Throughout history, this wrestling with strength and power has been characterized in all cultures which represent the best and worst of what it means to be human. Both of these energies live within each of us, and we are able to respond instantaneously to whatever challenge we are faced with. When we are living in pure awareness and from our center, a connective embodied power arises that unifies all life and such embodiments, such as facing the dragon, can be heroic in the deepest sense. Yet when we are cut off, even for a moment, we feel numb, we have lost center, we grow powerless and we are consumed with fear of the unknown outcome.

When we face our challenges head on and from our center, we discover and are able to take a stand in our place in the Universe. Facing our potential, we are called to enter a journey of discovery and not surprisingly, at the center our, Source and Oneness gives us the strength to manifest the highest possible outcome in the experience we find ourselves in.

There is duality in this potential, as there is in all things, at the same time we are called to face the dragon or unleashed power of others, while standing up to things and people, who are not living from their center. Some have become disruptive agents that dishearten all they touch, and we are charged to stand in our center in order to not be overtaken by this energy. Perhaps it is a function of the Universe to balance, that causes us to face these sometimes troubling and confusing experiences.

On a deeper level, perhaps facing our potential is the call to summon our best qualities in order to face some one, some thing, some force that is challenging. And perhaps this one thing, one force, or someone, is not always bad or dangerous; it is simply that life often demands that we face things in order to transform…. a process we often miss or tend to resist. If persistent, facing our challenges can transform us into our truest self. To “face” does not mean to resist or to defeat, but to encounter honestly. And to ”be” does not mean to retreat from this world, but to merge with it from a centered place of strength.

Marin Luther King Jr. revealed an inextricable link between power and love: 
“Power when properly understood is nothing but the ability to achieve purpose. And one of the great problems of history is that the concepts of love and power have usually been contrasted as opposites … polar opposites … so that love is identified with a resignation of power, and power with a denial of love. 
We’ve got to get this thing right. What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love. It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality which constitutes the major crisis of our time.”

Seems like the question has always been: How do we define these elements? Is strength the art of authority, of achieving domination over situations and others, as rulers throughout history have shown us? Or is it the strength of the art of embrace, of surrendering to the power of love and truth rising up within us? We all carry the seed of each element; the power of authority and the power of embrace. May we all use our power for our optimal potential to live as illuminated beings ….Blessings and love, Christina


Everything is changing, have you noticed?

Everything is changing, have you noticed?

There is an awakening happening now; and people are changing the way they view their lives and the world around us. Many have reached the limit of our rationality; (what we could see only with the rational mind), fully understanding that we cannot comprehend everything that happens in our magnificent and beautiful world and perhaps we need to take a broader higher level view. On the path of spirituality people want to understand how things work, how life operates, what happens when we die? What is the world of quantum physics everyone is talking about? How do our thoughts become things? And how do they create our reality? Can people really heal themselves? What about alternative medicine and why does society not approve of this?

Companies are beginning to change corporate systems, because they have no choice, people are using their money as a tool for change in support of consciousness in the marketplace. I see so many posts related to these issues, people are raising their voices and sharing in consciousness with others ….this makes my heart sing. Perhaps the old business and employment model isn’t working anymore. More and more people are reaching their limit of working in big corporations that are not conscious corporations. Many suffer stress and anxiety working under these conditions. A feeling of wanting to make a difference in our lives and the world we live in is reaching new peaks and the lack of purpose is seemingly knocking at the door of many by way of messages from the heart. Savvy entrepreneurs with brilliant ideas and passion, offering a new model of entrepreneurship and new models of leadership in creating business is now emerging and on a global scale. We are finally beginning to understand what consciousness in the business world might look like and many are building and operating such organizations.

The internet has proved to be an incredibly powerful tool for connecting people who are consciously aligned in business and, after many years we understand this power. The world has opened up, as the separation ends, barriers collapse, union is the new movement and collaboration is the new action that is exploding as people join together is a synergistic manner and co-creating is happening and making good use of this magnificent tool. All these new movements are indicative of and inclusive of right thought and right action, and are leading the way towards a collaborative economy; the rise of collaboration, sharing, helping, giving hands, getting united. It is beautiful and it warms my heart to see this happening.

Another change I see is that many are awakening to the facts that we need not accepted eating foods that do not offer nutritional value, in the past, it if it tasted good we ate it, completely disconnected and unconscious as to what was happening to our food source and many didn’t say anything. People are becoming more aware and are joining together giving strength to the movements of healthy eating and organic consumption. And this will affect our economy and jobs in a big way. Food production is the basis of our society; the food industry is one of the most important in the world. As our consciousness changes, our eating habits also change, and consumption changes, and of course the big corporations will be forced to change aligning with these choices the people are demanding. We are seeing this change all around the world. The small farmer is starting to have strength again; people are buying locally and from food sources they trust and many others are planting their own food, and that changes the whole economy. Mass farming operations owned by large corporations are not to be trusted nor are the organizations that are not willing to inform us what it is we are eating.

Another huge change is a drastic fall in over the top consumer consumption. For many years, we have been manipulated, stimulated to consume more and more; to purchase everything new that is launched in the market. To have the newest car, the latest iPhone, the best brands, lots of clothes, lots of shoes, lots of lots, lots of everything. Now many people are changing their buying habits; they understand that it makes no sense at all. New consciousness is moving more towards a slow life and slow food, zero personal debt and this change is beginning to show us that in the past we have organized ourselves in the most absurd way possible and a way that is not sustainable for humanity and our planet. Every time more people trade clothes, donate, buy old things, share goods, share cars, apartments, offices; we contribute to this conscious movement. We truly need nothing of what we have been conditioned by media and advertising as to what we need. This consciousness action can and will break any corporation that depends on exaggerated consumption.

We are beginning to see changes in our education systems, with the realization that the current model of teaching to test no longer works. The old model created a model that forms followers of the system; that prepare people to become ordinary human beings that conform to a society that no longer works. Fortunately, there are many people working to change that.

Movements all over the world are seeing and changing the current model to ones more fitting and more aligned with the needs of today and the vision of conscious societies; teaching collaboration, co-operation and co-creating in groups, problem solving and addressing issues that require change for a more sustainable future for humanity and for our world itself. My dear friends, I see a new foundational platform emerging …… May we embrace the awakening and the changes, seeing the highest and most positive potential of humanity. ……Blessings and love, Christina


The Illusion of Time

The Illusion of Time

The illusion of time makes us think that the moments of past, present and future separate from each other. In reality, they are all happening now. Everything happens NOW! if you are not convinced by the concept of NOW, then try to do something yesterday or tomorrow right now. It is impossible. Think about it, when do you remember your past? You remember it now. When do you dream your future, you dream it now. There is no any means that you can experience the past or the future, because they don't really exist, they are only a mental concept. When you think, you are in your past or in your future, you are actually still in the moment of now. There is no separation of time, everything happens now!

If you truly live in the present moment of now, you will not have any problem at all. All the so-called problems happen in your imaginary future. You experience them in your mind. If you fully concentrate on the present moment, and handle what you are supposed to handle at the moment, you will never experience any problem. A wise seer says ' I don't worry about the past, and I am not fearful of the future because my life is supremely concentrated in the present, and the right response comes to me, to every situation as it occurs.' This is the timeless awareness. In timeless awareness, you don't experience fear, anxiety and worry. You are in flow. You are one with the source energy. One way to experience the timeless awareness is to choose to live in the present now. Watch your mind, observe it. Your mind will always try to escape the present moment, because the only reference point it has is the past. You can simply observe it, the moment you realize your mind is escaping the present moment, and you are actually in the present moment.

Since NOW is the only moment that exists, the question is why do I experience what I am experiencing now, but not anything else. The answer to that question is that you have chosen it. At this magic moment of now, there is infinite number of things happening, and you are free to choose to experience any one of them. You made your choice by sending out a command to the Universal Mind (or call it Cosmic Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Source Energy or God.). Depending on your certainty and clarity, the Universal Mind brings to you exactly what you send out. At some point of this space-time continuum, you had sent out your command, the Universe took your instruction, and worked perfectly on it. That is exactly what you are experiencing now. At the moment of now, you have infinite number of choices; you can experience any one of them by sending out your instructions. The Universe will bring to you exactly what you want depending on your certainty and clarity. It is important to know that the universe takes all your instructions, good or bad, and works equally on them. It can not choose for you. You have to make your own choice with certainty and clarity. Once you make your choice, let the universe to handle the details.

How to put this principle into practice?

Consistently monitor your mind. Keep it concentrate on the present moment of now.

Anytime you find yourself worry about the future, remind yourself 'Now is the only time that exists, the past and the future is just an illusion that exists in my mind. I choose to fully concentrate on the present moment of NOW!'

Practice daily meditation and experience the timeless awareness

Create and Enjoy the present ….. Love and Light Christina


Love Is All.....

Is there such a thing as a miraculous love relationship?

We are all created to be completely loved and completely lovable, in fact in spirit we are pure love. It is common to think in limited terms of our self, as a mind and a body confined in time and space, however in spirit we are free from the constraints of time/space, and we are untouched by experiences. Many people do not feel completely loved and completely lovable because we are not connecting or living our spiritual nature in a higher vibrations. The truth is the union of mind, body, creates the love within each of us and when we do unite with our beloved we take with us the love we have to share.

Perhaps, it is the nature within each of us that desires to become the hero or heroine of an eternal love story. It begins with the innocence, of a baby, and passes through various stages of life and growth, and as we participate in more and more experiences the circle of love widens, including first family and friends, then intimate partners, but also taking in love of abstract things, like learning and truth. At some point the journey ripens us to the love of giving and we blossom like a rose reaching for higher values, such as compassion, forgiveness, and altruism. And then there is the direct experience of spirit itself, which is pure love. We have the true experience of love when we turn into love... that is the spiritual goal of life.

As humans, we often experience an aching need for love and to be loved that causes many people to lose their way on the spiritual goal of life. Perhaps we may need to learn a new way to love and be loved. Perhaps we need to understand that love is a force, an energy force as real as gravity, and we live within this force of love every day. It is our natural state and following a spiritual path is the way for our soul to grow, and as more spiritual truth is revealed, when we find our path, we will also find our miraculous love story.

The path to love, is never about anything or anyone external to our being and no matter how good or bad we feel about our relationship, the person we are with at this moment is the "right" person, because he or she is a mirror of who we are inside. Our culture has failed to teach us so much about spiritual realities. What I mean by this is that when we are struggling in love, we are in fact struggling with our self. One of the biggest mistakes that millions of people make is that, “some other … out there" is going to give or take something that we have not even found yet, it is not even ours. When we find our true self … we will find true love.

The path to love is our spiritual destiny; it isn't a choice, we all need to find out who we are. We might postpone love; we might lose faith in love or even feel that love doesn’t exist at all, all of which is an impermanent illusion. These doubtful thoughts are reflective of the ego, which is bound in time and space. Love is our eternal divine essence a reflection of God’s love. The ultimate gift on the path to love is that we will walk in the light of a truth extending beyond any truth our mind presently knows.

So, is there such a thing as a miraculous love relationship?

YES, and it is hard to both discover and live, except on the higher spiritual level. It’s unconditional ONE love for all that is, both partners in union grow spiritually, increasing in Christ’s love, fostering personal evolution through shared experiences of the soul. Knowing this love flows to them, and through them, the miraculous couple spend their love on all they encounter in this world. They know there is a never ending supply, and they understand it is eternal. May we all find our miraculous loving relationship.... Blessings of love and light, Christina


Happy New Year 2017

Dear friends and family; the New Year is approaching and for many of us this is a time of reflection and goal setting.

Our lives are made up of a complex network of pathways that we can use to move from one phase of life to the next. For some of us, our paths are wide, smooth, and clearly marked. Many people, however, find that they have a difficult time figuring out where they need to go next. Determining which “next step” will land you on the most direct route to happiness; fulfillment and the realization of your life purpose may not seem easy.

There are many ways to discover what the next step on your life path should be. If you are someone who seeks to satisfy your soul, it is vital that you make this inquiry. Often, your inner voice will counsel you that it’s time for a change, and it is very important to trust yourself because only you know what is best for you.

In our search for happiness, those of us on the path of transformation and personal growth often have a tendency to analyze our unhappiness in order to find the causes and make improvements. But it is just as important, if not more so, to analyze our happiness. Since we have the ability to rise above and observe our emotions, we can recognize when we are feeling joyful and content. Then we can harness the power of the moment by savoring our feelings and taking time to be grateful for them.

Conditions are never perfect. “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it’s important to you and you want to do it ‘eventually’ just do it and correct the course along the way.” Sometimes, in the beginning all we need is to make minor changes to our lives blueprint. The point is to just start to make things happen. As we gain momentum, we’ll begin to experiences bigger and better changes and growth in our live and as a result, growth in our happiness too.

Here’s my personal truth; people who get what they want tend to be the ones who make the effort to know what they want. If we feel confined in a tiny limited life, imagine the life you would like to be living. One way to discover the limits of the life we want is to use our imagination, visualize your life in a new way and then venture a little way past the vision into the energy of outrageous awesome possibilities.

If we stay loose and relaxed as we’re conjuring up the various possibilities, we’ll notice that some of them leave us a feeling of intrigue, curiosity, a bit lighter. These are your preferences. Let them tiptoe into your consciousness; just simply allow them, watching them as an observer, because if we could already think about our preferences clearly, we’d be creating not complaining.
T.S. Elliot wrote, “Wait without thought, for we are not ready for thought.”

Allow the vision to take form, leaving a vague impression, and then go for a bit more specificity; as if we were bring a camera into focus. Allow and watch. If we remain playful and patient, the preferences forming in our consciousness will eventually become clear enough to describe the preference in words. Still wait!! Don’t jump the gun; hold on a bit longer and get what I call maximum specificity by pinpointing the desires. Let them simply unfold.

Stay with the vision and think of a solution you would like to see, ask yourself, “What would be even better?” After allowing another answer to come into focus, ask yourself “What would be even better than that?” Repeat this process until you have an image of a situation that is so perfect, you can’t imagine a way to top it. This is what I call pinpoint clarity.

Here is an example: “It’s like telling the waiter to bring you something delicious. You have no idea, but you’ll know when you taste it.” No order that fuzzy is likely to produce a satisfying result.
However using a process such as outlined above; now you’re telling the waiter, “Please bring me two free—range eggs boiled for exactly three minutes, seasoned with a dash of sea salt and coarsely ground pepper.

I do this…..smiling and sometimes that kind of clarity may raise eyebrows, but guess what, it lets everyone and everything around me deliver exactly what I want.Here are seven tips that I practice to jump start my goals.

Take no less than 100% responsibility for your life
Be clear why you are here
Decide what you want
Believe it’s possible
Believe in yourself
Know the universe totally supports you
Unleash your power of goal setting

It is when you are willing to listen to yourself and be fearless that figuring out your next step becomes easy. Beneath the fear and hesitation and uncertainty lies your inner knowing that always knows which step you need to take next. If you can allow the taking of your next step to be as easy as putting one foot in front of the next, you’ll notice that your next step is always the one that is right in front of you. All you have to do is put one foot forward and on the ground.

I wish you a Happy New Year and may all your goals come to fruition this coming year. May you experience happiness, joy and peace and may you be well and happy.…… Blessings and love to you and your families.