When you woke up this morning, were you excited to start your day? 

Did you wake up with a sense of purpose?

Do you have a vision that makes you feel energized?

For many of us this is not the case and yet something inside of us knows that it is possible. You might feel that you are going to do great things, but you just haven’t been able to figure it out yet, or live it consistently.

So what is the Goal really?

Well, the goal is what you can choose. A lot of people get hung up on “Well, what’s my purpose? You know my destiny; as if there is only one thing and they’ve got to figure it out. And that thinking holds up a lot of people because they don’t want to start on a goal unless they think it’s the right one. This thinking comes from the “Writing on Your Walls”. The goal is more about saying “what do you want your goal to be truly? What are you really about? What are your passions? And how can I move down that road and how can I create this goal for myself.

We have not been taught to follow our passions for the most part although certainly some people have and that’s awesome; but we’re really not taught to follow our passions. We are taught to follow a responsible route. To go to school, study, graduate with this, and then to go get this kind of job, work hard for many years and then you get to play.

Does this sound like you?

“Well, I want to do this, but I can’t.” or “I’d like to do this but what if……..?”

In this “I-ECHO” workshop you will discover, explore and change the Writing on YOUR Walls that supports your negative thoughts and feelings. You will learn a new energy psychology approach called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) can help you erase and replace all your “What if’s and Yes buts’…”, into more supportive language and releasing the fears and worries associated with them. You will learn how to stretch yourself and step powerfully and fearlessly into who you want to be.


 The Cost for this workshop is $475.00. This I-ECHO workshop is a series of one on one 90 minute sessions over a 6 week period via Skype.