Seminars & Workshops

  • The Writing on My Walls

    Come explore, in a highly interactive workshop that will teach you to understand your personal belief systems and how it affects you. You will discover how simple tools and deliberate actions can create an experience of well being, love, success, and empowerment. 

  • Gift of Personal Peace

    The Personal Peace workshop helps you become a healthier and a happier you. It is a part of the “I-Echo the Writing on My Walls” workshop series. You will discover, explore and change the Writing on YOUR Walls that supports your negative thoughts, feelings and your fears. You will learn a new energy psychology approach called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that can help you erase and replace all your imaginary fears and worries allowing you to experience Personal Peace while Living Your Best Life. 

  • Enjoy Spectacular Relationships

    There are few things that can give us more joy or make us feel more loved than a supportive, passionate relationship. And still there are a few things that can cause us more pain than a suffering relationship. I don’t think that anyone will argue that relationships are something we always need to work at and nourish, but what exactly do we need to do to really make a difference?

  • Heal Your Relationship with Money NOW

    THIS workshop gives you solutions to change your vibration about money. WHEN YOU CLEAR YOUR ENERGY ABOUT MONEY YOU MAKE MUCH BETTER DECISIONS ABOUT MONEY!

  • Healing Your Critical Voice

    In this i-echo “The Writing on the Walls” workshop, you won’t learn how to rid yourself of your pitiful inner critic, but you’ll learn where this critic comes from and how you can harness its power so that voice is an empowering one. Each of us throughout the day probably have conversations with a variety of people like family, friends, coworkers, but there is one person you speak to more than anyone else and that person is YOU. 

  • SELF IMAGE…Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    When someone’s best efforts don’t produce the desired results, sometimes it is due to the outer circumstances but more often the lack of success comes from internal self-sabotage, most of which is unconscious. This is because we may have patterns of human behavior that causes problems that we are completely unaware of. These patterns are grounded in conditioning that originates in very early childhood from before we develop speech. This is what we call “The Writing on YOUR Walls”.

  • The Law of Attraction Works for YOU

    The law of attraction is a not a personal development tool; it’s not here just so we can attract things. It really is a much bigger principle. It’s about how energy works in general. This workshop is about how we can attract what we desire into our experience.

  • Goals | Discovering Your True Passion

    We have not been taught to follow our passions for the most part although certainly some people have and that’s awesome; but we’re really not taught to follow our passions. We are taught to follow a responsible route. To go to school, study, graduate with this, and then to go get this kind of job, work hard for many years and then you get to play.

  • Overcome Obstacles

    Fear is our biggest obstacle. If we always fear negative emotions and we always fear limiting beliefs related to attaining our biggest dreams then we are giving control of our life to our fears. WE must get in touch with our fears to learn a few clues as to what are the obstacles blocking our success. 

  • Your Profound Impact on the World

    In this i-echo workshop you will learn the basic core dynamics for successfully removing all attachment to being motivated by misery; all the attachments focusing on what everyone else is doing or not doing. It all starts from the inside. When we clear out our negativity, and regain our clarity we are also clearing it out for all of humanity.